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We can design and produce the moulds of the standard and special pneumatic cylinder spare parts with the CAD-CAM softwares.


Hidrolik ve Pnömatik Silindir Kalıp İmalatı-Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinder Mold Manufacturing

We are producing castings of the pneumatic cylinder parts with our own aluminum injection and  chill casting machineries.


Casting- Döküm- Hidrolik ve Pnömatik silindir üretimi

Robotic Processing

Robotic Processing-  Robotik İşleme- Hidrolik ve pnömatik silindir işleme

We are using latest technologies in Robotic production systems in our CNC machineries and montage lines.

CNC Processing

CNC Processing- CNC tezgahlarıyla hidrolik ve pnömatik silindir işleme

We can serial produce at desired tolerances, in our 4000 mm x 2000 mm x 1500 mm capacity CNC vertical machining center, diameter 1000 mm x 3000 mm CNC lathes. We are honing our pipes in our honing machines and are able to perform grinding operations with our shaft grinding machines.


Tornalama- Turning Hidrolik ve Pnömatik Silindir üretimi

We can produce special pneumatic cylinders with our 1600mm diameter, 7000mm long capacity turning machines.


Hidrolik ve Pnömatik Silindir boyama ,kaplama

For the necessary protection and appearance, we are painting our cylinders and parts at wet and static painting lines.


Silindir freze

Prepared semi-products are transferred to the assembly line after passing the quality control stages. Semi-products which are montaged together by our experienced team in the assembly line form pneumatic cylinders. 

Quality Control

qualty contol-kalite kontrol- hidrolik ve pnömatik silindir üretimi

All of the finished products are transferred to the packaging line by passing three quality control stages (sealing, dimension, appearance).

Fenitsa Logo

Fenitsa started its activities, primarily in pneumatics, in order to meet the needs and requirements of the machinery manufacturing sector and to provide services by producing professional solutions.


1. OSB Atabey Sk. No: 9 Selçuklu, Konya, Türkiye

+90 332 248 23 83 (pbx)

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